National Identity

By Louis Avallone

Almost 15 million U.S. residents have their identities used fraudulently each year, with financial losses totaling upwards of $50 billion. And as significant as these losses may be, a more malignant identity crisis faces our nation: the erosion of our national identity.

Following Obama’s speech to the nation last month, regarding the Libyan conflict, there has been much written regarding the difference between Obama’s rhetoric, and his genuine belief in “American exceptionalism,” often considered the foundation of our national identity. “American exceptionalism” refers to the special character of the U.S. as a free nation based on democratic ideals and personal liberties. It’s what makes us a unique nation, a nation that remains, as President Ronald Reagan once said, “a model and hope to the world.”

“American exceptionalism” is the story of our nation’s ingenuity, perseverance, and triumph; a story of pride in the dignity, diversity, and creativity of the individual, celebrating the virtue of hard work and the unbridled hope of one’s dreams. And for you liberals out there, it’s not a story that is need of any editing, although you have tried.

Of course, it was not that long ago that Obama tried editing the story by apologizing for America, to the European countries, by saying that “there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.” Right. Our nation showed “arrogance” by sacrificing countless American lives over our nation’s history, so that other souls might live free, and without persecution?

But you see, while “American exceptionalism” reinforces our national identity, the European countries, whose people we have so often defended, are increasingly losing theirs. Why? Well, from France to Spain to Greece, these nations are replete with worker protests, and are facing mounting financial difficulties due, in part, to unchecked immigration of unassimilated migrant workers, many who are openly hostile to their own host nation, demanding continued entitlement to unsustainable, state-funded social programs and threatening the peace and stability of the nation.

And now, these countries are facing the erosion of their national identities. Just this past February, for example, French President Nicolas Sarkozy admitted, “We have been too concerned about the identity of the person who was arriving and not enough about the identity of the country that was receiving him.” British Prime Minister James Cameron said essentially the same, “(W)e have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and apart from the mainstream. We’ve even tolerated these segregated communities behaving in ways that run completely counter to our values.”

And while America’s shores once assimilated different cultures and religions into “one nation under God.” Today the “great melting pot” in the U.S. means that traditionalists get thrown into the boiling kettle of liberal diversity. Before long, our own nation’s identity will begin to erode precipitously, just as those European countries are witnessing now for themselves.

And similar to errors of those European countries, such as France and Great Britain, Obama’s continues to express indifference, regarding our open border with Mexico, which continues to be plagued by cartel violence, drugs, and other forms of illegal smuggling, as well as illegal immigration. In fact, the authority of state and local law enforcement to enforce federal immigration law has been diminished under the Obama administration, as the federal government now largely abandons the prosecution of non-criminal illegal immigrants and allows them to remain in the U.S.

Even dyed-in-the-wool liberals must see the parallels here with the European nations and the consequences of unchecked, unassimilated immigrants to one’s nation. The proverbial handwriting is on the wall.

You see, a nation is a group of people who share a destiny, and with that destiny, an identity. The truth is that this national identity needs pride, and a sense of affection that is expressed to the exclusion of any other allegiance. Again, this is the foundation of nation building. As it erodes, so will the nation.

In fact, the stronger the national identity, the greater pride we have in our nation. 75% of us are proud to be Americans. Compare that with only 33% of people in Germany, France, and Italy that say the same about their own country. But these are countries that are losing their national identities, while liberals in our own country are attempting to deliberately diminish our own, through so-called “political correctness.”

But they don’t get it. America is different. We are exceptional. It’s why there is no “French” or “German” dream, but an “American” dream. Sure, our military and economic might is unrivaled. We are more religious than any other advanced democracy, we give more to charity, vote more frequently, and have faith in the power of individual souls to shape their own destiny through hard work.

Yes, we believe that America is exceptional, but not because of what is does, but because of what it believes. In the words of Ronald Reagan, “We are indeed, and we are today, the last best hope of man on earth.”